Joe Alejandro Experience

Intern Reflection, joe alejandro

Joe Alejandro (PhD Candidate, University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health) interned at SSC during the summer of 2023.

As I searched for an internship opportunity before beginning my doctoral program, I knew that I wanted to be a part of an organization working to make a difference. A posting from the Smart Surfaces Coalition caught my eye, and, following the application process, I began my work with SSC in June 2023. Reflecting on my experience, I realize I found exactly what I was looking for.

My work with SSC focused primarily on researching the methodologies used in the Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool. The tool, designed to provide city officials with a quantitative measure for how cost-effective implementing much-needed Smart Surface solutions would be, is one of the Coalition’s key offerings. As a secondary project, I also explored possibilities for available federal grants to help cities fund Smart Surface projects.

Over the summer, I was able to dive into topics that were once completely foreign to me, like calculating indirect energy savings, quantifying how Smart Surfaces can improve air quality, and the process of federal grantspersonship. I was also able to build connections with Coalition staff and partners alike, all with the same goal in mind: mitigating the effects of climate change to make the world a better, healthier place. As I prepare for the start of the next step in my academic career, I will fondly carry with me the connections made, knowledge gained, and sense of hope that I found during my time at SSC.