Jacob Scherr
Former Director of Global Strategy and Advocacy at the Natural Resources Defense Council
S. Jacob Scherr was the Former Director of Global Strategy and Advocacy at the Natural Resources Defense Council. During his long career with NRDC, Scherr served as an attorney and program director addressing a broad range of international environmental and nuclear issues. Among his many accomplishments are securing a mandate for U.S. foreign aid for environment and natural resources in developing countries, creating the NRDC BioGems Initiative to protect special natural places throughout the Americas, and leading a major technical demonstration with the Soviets on nuclear test ban verification. Scherr has been actively engaged in international environmental summitry since the first Earth Summit in 1992 – most recently as a member of the U.S. delegation to the UN 2012 Rio+20 conference – and has worked over the last two years with experts at Yale, Oxford, and elsewhere on the design of a “new global architecture” for climate change and sustainable development. Scherr is a member of the boards of the Center for Global Development and the Herbert Scoville, Jr. Peace Fellowship.