Research and Reports

The Coalition has researched and published, with national partners and cities, rigorous and extensive cost benefit analyses of smart surfaces. This includes quantifying for the first time a dozen specific benefits of smart surfaces, many related to health, including reduction of temperature and pollution, reducing flood risk, and protecting city credit rating.

Greening America's Schools: Costs and Benefits

Original Report by Greg Kats

Greening America's Schools report cover.

This report documents the financial costs and benefits of green schools compared to conventional schools. This national review of 30 green schools demonstrates that green schools cost less than 2% more than conventional schools — or about $3 per square foot ($3/sf) — but provide financial benefits that are 20 times as large. Greening school design provides an extraordinarily cost-effective way to enhance student learning, reduce health and operational costs and, ultimately, increase school quality and competitiveness.

Smart Surfaces