Research and Reports

The Coalition has researched and published, with national partners and cities, rigorous and extensive cost benefit analyses of smart surfaces. This includes quantifying for the first time a dozen specific benefits of smart surfaces, many related to health, including reduction of temperature and pollution, reducing flood risk, and protecting city credit rating.

Smart Surfaces: A New Approach to Enhance Urban Resilience and Slow Down and Mitigate Climate Change

Greg Kats, World Scientific Volume 2


The growing citywide risks from extreme heat and weather driven by climate change can be largely offset by citywide adoption of these Smart Surface technologies while delivering large net financial benefits. Many of the physical inequalities that characterize and disadvantage low-income areas of most American cities can be greatly improved with Smart Surfaces, with large net financial returns to the city as a whole. These large net positive financial returns constitute a strong financial, resilience, and public policy case for the rapid adoption of Smart Surface solutions citywide as standard, baseline policy for most US cities.

World Scientific Encyclopedia of Climate Change Volume 2 Cover
Smart Surfaces