Research and Reports

The Coalition has researched and published, with national partners and cities, rigorous and extensive cost benefit analyses of smart surfaces. This includes quantifying for the first time a dozen specific benefits of smart surfaces, many related to health, including reduction of temperature and pollution, reducing flood risk, and protecting city credit rating.

Accelerating Job Growth and an Equitable Low-Carbon Energy Transition: The Role of the Clean Energy Accelerator [Analysis Group]

Original report by: Susan F. Tierney and Paul J. Hibbard

The Analysis Group compiled this in-depth, independent report on the Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator, as well as the proposals submitted to the project. The proposals analyzed include smart surfaces, and the potential impact of federal support for smart surface investment (see pages 3, 28-30, and 38). On it’s analysis of smart surfaces, the report concludes “The Accelerator could support a coordinated and integrated approach to maximizing smart surface applications and installations across an entire urban community, bringing together lenders, building owners, city/state agencies, and contractors in the roofing/building, solar PV, and urban tree planting sectors. With a focus on urban communities, the Accelerator could provide an immediate injection of dollars in inner city neighborhoods to generate economic activity, decrease residents’ energy costs (and thereby increase income available to spend locally), create local jobs, reduce mortality and health impacts, lower GHG emissions, and make cities more livable.”

Smart Surfaces